Key Information Document for the full re-opening of Allenton Community Primary School
This information is also available on Class Dojo (school story), the home tab on our website and will have been sent to you via parent mail.
Dear Parents and Carers,
I know many of you and your children will be excited to return to school on Monday! I know the teachers and staff are certainly looking forward to it and we have been working hard to ensure the school is safe and ready for the full re-opening.
I have broken this communication into specific topics I.e. uniform, attendance etc so if you have a question you can find the relevant information quickly and hopefully it answers it! If not please do not hesitate to get in touch (telephone 701144, email or Dojo).
I look forward to seeing you all on Monday!
Kindest regards
Mr JFordham
School times
School is re-open to pupils from Monday 8th March and as you know school will be re-opening with the four longer days and finishing at 12:30 on Friday.
Monday to Thursday we will be opening school at 8:30 and we will finish at 3:45 for the whole of school. On a Friday we have the same start time (8:30) but the whole school will finish at 12:30.
On Dojo there are videos to show how the children will enter school as done previously but in brief in the morning, at 8:30, KS2 children (not parents) will enter via the main pedestrian gate and follow the one way system to their classrooms. KS1 and Reception children (not parents) will enter school via the pedestrian gate opposite the reception classrooms and enter school through the class fire doors.
Staff will be on both routes around school to ensure supervision and to direct them where necessary.
At home time, like before the break, parents will come onto site and following the one way system collect their children as they walk around the school.
Uniform and bags
Uniform is now required to be worn in school and full details of these expectations are on the website.
Bags, bottles and books can now be brought to and from school please remember only water and certain flavoured water are acceptable school drinks.
Teachers will let you know when PE will happen for your child's class (this will not be the timing for the whole year group) and on this day please can children arrive in their PE kits so they do not need to change in school.
Face masks are not required to be worn by pupils but staff in school will be wearing masks when not teaching in their Year group. I would recommend that parents when dropping off and collecting children wear masks and ensure they follow social distancing guidance.
Packed Lunches
To reduce the number of items coming into school we have decide to utilise the universal free school meal offer so that Year 1, 2 and reception do not need to bring a packed lunch to school. School dinners will involve a hot option plus a sandwich option for those children who prefer this option. Mrs Rayner will share a menu shortly.
Unlike KS1, Years 3,4,5,6 will have the option of a school dinner either paid or not (if eligible for free school meals) or they can bring in a packed lunch to school.
Children with Covid Symptoms
If your child or a member of your household develops a high temperature, a consistent cough or a change in sense of smell/taste then please do not send them to school. If you call us to let us know you are isolating we will support you with reporting and getting tested.
If a child develops symptoms whilst at school, they will be isolated away from other children immediately and parents called to collect as soon as possible. Again we will support with getting families tested.
If a staff member or child tests positive then we will work with the Local Protection team to identify children and staff whom may need to isolate and cooperate with NHS Track and Trace systems. It is unlikely that whole year groups will have to isolate as a result of a positive test.
What will school 'be' like
Children will be in their class groups for all lessons and work with an allocated year group team.
During social times (break and lunch) they will bubble up with their other year group class.
Lessons will resume and we will be teaching all subjects as per 'normal'. There will however be a focus on ensuring children get back to where they were before the lockdown in reading, writing and maths particularly reading.
If you can support in anyway in these 3 subjects it would greatly benefit your child.
There continues to be a one way system around school and children will be encouraged to socially distance unless sat in class. Children are expected to socially distance from adults where ever possible (this is sometimes not the case with younger children or to administer first aid).
Hand sanitiser is to be used on entry to the school and is available in every classroom.
I hope this helps with your child/ren’s return to school and we sincerely look forward to seeing you on Monday 8th March.
Kindest regards
Mr J Fordham