Information about SEND at Allenton Community Primary School
I am Simon Field and I am the SENDCo at Allenton Community Primary School. Below is information regarding SEND in our school. Have a read or alternatively feel free to come into school and I can discuss this further! To arrange an appropriate time contact 01332 701144.

Special Educational Needs and Disability
At some time in their school career, your child may need some help which is different to that required by most of the other children in their class. Examples of this are:
- There is a bereavement in the family and a child needs specialised help to cope with their feelings
- A child is making little progress in reading and needs a specialised programme and some 1-1 support
- The behaviour of a child becomes particularly difficult to manage and parents and school work together to help the child
- A child wears a hearing aid and their seating position in the classroom must be carefully considered in every lesson
All of the above and many more come under the umbrella term of special educational needs and disability. At Allenton Community Primary School we endeavour to provide effective support for these children and their parents.
What is the Local Offer?
Derby’s SEND Local Offer is an online one stop shop for parents and young people to find out about all the services and support on offer to children and young people from birth to 25 who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)in the city. Derby City Council, along with all other local authorities, are required to pub-lish information about services they expect to be available in their area. Derby City’s Local Offer is available here: . It tells parents how to access services and support in Derby City and what to expect from these services, including details of Higher Needs Funding and Education and Health Care Plans.
- Derby's SEND Local OfferDerby City Council
SENDIASS (SEND Information and Advice and Support Service)
- Are you finding it hard to get your voice heard?
- Do you need someone impartial and confidential to talk to about the
support your child or young person receives? - Do you need information about education, health or social care
systems in relation to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision? - Do you need support in discussions with your child’s school or Local
Authority? - Has your child or young person been excluded or at risk of exclusion
from school or on a part time timetable?
Children and Young People
- Do you need some more information to help make decisions
and choices around education, health and social care? - Do you need someone to talk to about the difficulties you
are experiencing?
SENDIASS can provide you with impartial information and advice suited to your
specific needs as well as guiding you through the SEND processes
and procedures. We’re here to help when you’re not sure of something,
- The law on SEND, health and social care
- Personal budgets
- Requesting Education Health Care Plans (EHCP) – formerly statutory
assessment - The Local Offer (what is available in Derby)
- Transition Post 16
- Preparing for adulthood
- Resolving disagreements
- Exclusions and part time timetables from school
- Face-to-face support and advice*
- Support in attending meetings and school visits*
- Signposting to other organisations
*Dependent on availability
Independent Support
SENDIASS can support you through the Educational Health Care (EHC) Plan Needs Assessment.
There is help for:
- Families from the point they request an EHC Needs Assessment
- Families of children and young people moving from a Statement of
Special Educational Needs to an EHC plan - Young people with learning disability assessment, who are requesting an EHCP
For further information, visit the SENDIASS website -