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Allenton Community

Primary School

We care that our children understand, believe in, and achieve their full potential

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Key Information Document for the return to school in September 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

I know there have been questions developing as announcements come out from Government and the implications for school.

From the 19th July there will be no changes to school operations for the last 4 days until the end of term.

From September there will be some things that will stay the same and other areas that we will revert back to ‘normal’.  I have included these after this letter and are subject to change based on the guidance as it is released.

Thank you to the whole community for your support during these difficult 2 years and hopefully we will have a full year uninterrupted by lockdowns and isolations!

I wish you all a restful break and look forward to finishing off the year positively and welcoming you all back in September.

Kindest regards

Mr JFordham

School times
School is re-open to pupils from Monday 6th September and as you know school will be returning to our original school times prior to the pandemic.

School will open at 8:45am for all children to enter school and the end of the school day will be at 3:30pm Monday – Friday.

We will be keeping the same systems for drop off in the morning and at the end of the school day.    Reception children and Years 1 and 2 should be dropped off at the Key Stage 1 entrance and Years 3-6 should be dropped off at the Key Stage 2 entrance at 8:45 in the morning.   At the end of the day please enter school via the Key Stage 2 main gate at 3:30pm. All parents are to follow the school one way system around the school to collect their children from the designated collection points and exit at the Key Stage 1 gate.

 For the first week, parents will be able to accompany Reception children to the door but after the first week staff will be on hand to take them if needed.

As with previous years I will post on Dojo videos of these routes to help with children returning to school. Staff will be on both routes around school to ensure supervision and to direct children where necessary.

Uniform and bags
Uniform is still required to be worn in school and full details of these expectations are on the website.   On PE days (these will be confirmed with you by your class teachers) children should attend in there PE kits so please consider the weather when sending your children to school on a PE day.

Bags, bottles and books can be brought to and from school; please remember only water and flavoured water are acceptable school drinks.   Please note that school will continue to provide a break time snack for all children.

Currently, face masks are not to be worn by pupils or staff in school but we will await further guidance and confirmation of this.

Due to the pandemic the current year 4 children have not had the opportunity to complete swimming this year.  This will now happen in Year 5 next academic year.

Packed Lunches
Year 1, 2 and reception do not need to bring a packed lunch to school. School dinners will involve a hot option plus a sandwich option for those children who prefer this. Mrs Rayner will share a menu in the new year.

Unlike KS1, Years 3,4,5,6 will have the option of a school dinner either paid or not (if eligible for free school meals) or they can bring in a packed lunch to school.

Breakfast Club
Breakfast club will resume as normal from September at a cost of 50p per day starting at 7:50am in the morning.

What will school 'be' like?
Some things are the same and others are different. I have tried to summarise below:

Children will be in their class groups for all lessons and work with an allocated year group team.

During break and lunch we are still going to have allocated zones and staggered lunches but there will be greater overlap with other year groups rather than strict bubbles like the past 18 months.

There continues to be a one way system around school and hand sanitiser is to be used on entry to the school and is available in every classroom.  We have seen the benefit both on behaviour of the one way system and a reduction in other illnesses due to the improved hand hygiene of children.

There are other aspects of the guidance that will change things from September but these are the questions I have been asked the most.  I will share a fuller document about what happens when children develop COVID symptoms from next year and implications of school’s managing this.

I hope this helps with your child/ren’s return to school and we sincerely look forward to seeing you on Monday 6th September.


Kindest regards


Mr J Fordham
